Pretty in pink...
Rylie's tissue antibodies are indeed high which means she would reject a new heart. The doctor said this caught him off guard, and he even called several other centers for suggestions.
Tomorrow Rylie's mom is having blood work to see if the antibodies are coming from her. If they are the transplant team will be able to move forward toward transplant. If the antibodies are truly Rylie's then we have to go back to square one which means trying to regulate the heart function with medicine and completing the 3-step bypass procedures.
We hope that we won't have to go that route. As it stands now, we will be here through at least Easter which means our plans for celebrating at the zoo will be again postponed. Rylie's mom is completely frustrated with what seams to be an endless sea of road blocks. Hold Rylie and her family in your prayers.
Thinking of little Rylie